Tuesday, January 10, 2006

whew, you went over the line with this one, guy

ok so i have this theory about the countless konglish sayings i encounter on a daily basis here in korea. everywhere i go, from pencil cases to t-shirts to food products, i discover yet another english sentence that doesn't make sense in the slightest. i swear there must be some pot-bellied middle-aged waygookin that sits at a computer all day chain-smoking cigarettes who was hired to create "english" slogans for all companies korean. little do these companies know that their "trusty" native-english speaker is getting a good laugh with everything he gets away with.

but i thought i'd share this picture with you, which proves this guy has gone a step too far with his jokes. it has been stirring up a bit of interest in the news lately (and passed around and chuckled at quite a bit by the foreigners here):

as it turns out, if you do an image search on google , this is the first picture that comes up. so rumor has it that some schmo working for naver, a very popular korean newssource (think yahoo equivalent) put this picture up along with a news article (i presume about krispy kreme, but it's in korean)- maybe they just did a web search for a krispy kreme logo and this is the first thing they found and didn't know what it was, seeing how they speak korean and not english. i would link you to the original picture and article, but someone finally caught the mistake and replaced with a g-rated krispy kreme picture. but i still count my lucky stars that i got to see this picture when it was actually on the site. anyway, this is the revised article, and a little less shocking than the original:


with that, i'm out. maybe i'll go get a krispy kreme.

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